FOBI user manual
1. Click the NEOimage to activate program (Desktop or start menu)
2. Click on the “LIVE” will pop up the live window
3. Turn on the white light (Switch on the FOBI)
4. Remove the filter in front of the lens, and adjust focus watching the Live window
5. Adjust brightness using adjust time of Live Exposure
6. Click the “CAPTURE” and Take General picture
7. Put the required emission filter to adaptor in front of the lens
8. Turn on the same channel light with emission filter
9. Adjust brightness using Live Exposure and Gain
10. Click the “CAPTURE” to take signal picture
11. Use the “Analysis” for removes the background of signal
12. Select the signal to be measured using the Edit Tool Bar area (square, circle, polygon, automatic). Click the “Measure” confirms the results of the measurement ( Background must be removed for accurate quantiation)
13 If necessary of the merge of the General Photos and signal pictures
14. Select the required picture and save it under a different name for results backup